Tuesday 10 July 2012

Turn Your Computer Into An ATM Today For Free....

Unhappy, unfulfilled and broke...

That was me. 

I had a good job in the grand scheme of things but I was just getting by.  The few euros left over in the kitty at the end of the month weren't going to give me the finer things I desired in life. The future was bleak. I needed a plan. So the search began.

After spending nearly a month in the library with all the best entrepreneurial literature available I realised this could be done. My problem was money and time. I had little to none of both! After attending a few seminars I found what I was looking for and I couldn't believe it! I was to enter the unfamiliar online world of blogging, list building, online marketing, product development and affiliate marketing.

If you were offered resources to generate as many income streams as you like for free, would you take advantage of that opportunity? I did!

It answered all my problems:

  1. It required no start up costs
  2. I could work at my own pace on my laptop at home in my pyjamas
  3. I didn't need to buy any products
  4. I didn't need to set up any website
  5. I worked for myself and it was enjoyable
  6. It's money making prospects were endless
Some of you may not be aware but setting up an online blog is completely free(www.blogger.com). You can design it any which way you please. The first step is to choose a niche. It can be anything. You should focus on finding one which solves a problem which many people suffer from. It has to be an area you are very interested in and are willing to learn about. Whether it be fitness, business, personal development, weight loss or how about turning your laptop into an ATM!! 

Once you have your niche, Its design time. Its as simple as cycling a bike if your a professional mountain biker! All the tools are readily explained. Your blog will now need content. Fill it with information that provides value to interested visitors. You can do this in many ways, some like to write, some like to study and combine other peoples articles on the subject.

Time to Monetize!!

Ever heard of Affiliate Marketing???

People with products to sell need your help and will pay for it. Check out a website called www.clickbank.com. On it you will find thousands of products that vendors will pay you up to 75% commission for selling their products(It's FREE!). This doesn't involve knocking on every neighbourhood door with a tangible product. This involves basically copying and pasting a link on their site to your blog which leaves an attractive advertisement on your blog. Now if someone visits your blog and clicks on one of these products advertised  and purchases it you have money in your bank account! Once set up its money making capabilities are endless. How is it free?? :)

Ever heard of Google Adsense????

Did you know Google will also offer you money in return for advertising on your blog? Its beautiful really. They advertise relevant products to your niche. You have complete control over what goes on. The best bit is that every time someone visits your blog and clicks(no purchase required!) on a Google advertisement they pay you. 

But of course you'll need one important thing. TRAFFIC!! We need people to come to us and that's where social media comes in and where the money rolls in. Guess what, traffic is free too!! Ever get one of those annoying adds telling you you can make crazy amounts of money from just facebooking or twittering? I've learnt this can be true. On this blog I'll go through how I began turning my laptop into and ATM. I'll update again soon. Make sure to sign up to receive my free eBook above"Six Tips To Help Turn Your Laptop Into An ATM".

Its important to note that I am in no way a computer whiz. Trust me when I say this is easy. Anyone can do it. Although I was working heavy hours in my own job I committed only 2 hours to this every night starting off. It can be built much faster. I hope you can see the potential something like this has. I will enjoy educating you all!

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